CIWF Graphic Design Support


We work regularly with Compassion in World Farming at various points in their campaign journey from idea conception to asset production. In this collaboration we devised and created a huge banner for a conference in the UK. 

The Client

Compassion in World Farming is a campaigning and lobbying animal welfare organisation. It campaigns against the live export of animals, certain methods of livestock slaughter, and all systems of factory farming. It has received celebrity endorsements and been recognized by BBC Radio 4 for its campaigning.

The Brief

To create a large and eye-catching banner for the Extinction or Regeneration food system transformation conference held at the QEII Conference Centre in London. The banner needed to demonstrate the mission of the campaign, compellingly displaying the narrative of the campaign, taking the public on a journey and highlighting the problems, solutions and actions for change. 

The Solution

We produced a massive 5m, thought provoking banner which was very well received by both the organisation and those attending the conference.

The Result


One for the World Email Schema


Giving Campaign